Bridesmaids Redo, Tupac Drummond, Goiter Peplums, and much more...
Last night on
Season 8 Project Runway, the Challenge was to re-make and re-work semi-NASTY Bridesmaid Dresses into hot, chic, sexy outfits that the women could wear out again...The results were mixed: Some worked and some, not so much. First of all, I hope most of these women aren't friends with the actual Brides anymore.
Any Bride who would put you in any of these concoctions IS NOT YOUR FRIEND ladies. Just kidding! We suffer anything for a good friend, right?!? Well, at least none of the original Bridesmaid Dresses looked like this:

Michael Costello Hating continued and it was PRICELESS to see the rest of the contestant's jaws drop when he actually won this Challenge with...

a very Heidi Klum-esque black cocktail dress, perfect for the Red Carpet, or in this girl's case, a night in Manhattan. Also, loved his
"Props to Mood Fabrics" t-shirt! They better give him a LIFETIME SUPPLY of tulle for that free advertising!

Also, on this episode: For some reason "The Other Michael",
Michael Drummond decided to bring back the
Do Rag. Leave that to
Tupac huney, may he rest in peace...

Speaking of Michael D., I kinda liked the dress he made for his "muse" Jacleen. The cheap "Mosquito Netting" was ghastly but she looked wonderful and the fit was nice. Plus, the "sisters" were lookin' good! Now for
Miss Peach: Bless her Pink Sweater Heart!

It was a mess! The khaki lace, the dimensions, the silhouette and then she put her in those Booties!!! Oh Momma Peach! Leave it to
Michael Kors to come up with one of the best one-liners in AGES to describe a dress. Where in the name of GAWWWWD, does he come up with these things???
Halter+Peplum+ Goiter!
I leave you with that...(sorry for that nasty photo, but TRUST ME, there are
WORSE on the web...
And here's a teaser of my Project Runway Recap:Bridesmaid Runway Wars: Pink Poly, Peplum Goiters and more DRAMA!
Well, kids, it took a while to wash off last week's nasty and stressful team challenge episode where designer Gretchen Jones turned into General Patton Runway and all of her teammates drank her "Just-do-as-I-say" and "Boy, Isn't-Michael C.-such-a-bad-designer/patternmaker/draper/sewer" Kool-Aid. Only a slight (and secretly wonderful) residue of Tim Gunn bi***-slapping them at the end of the episode was left! With that, we begin the next challenge, and one filled with more Michael C.- hatin', lots of fire-igniting polyester and plus-size issues. Let's begin, shall we?.....
To Read the entire Recap, click HERE...and make sure to leave me your comments and what YOU thought!
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